"They created their FATE"
Our Folktales, despite the fact that they were already told in the 15th - 17th centuries, are still "current"
Experience them with actor Jerker Fahlström
Folktales have a subtle humor. Many times a "moral" and is exciting.
These stories and more are included in my performance "They created their FATE" with the Traveling Storyteller.
In "They created their FATE", the stories are interspersed with humor and seriousness, because folktales have a subtle humor and many times a "moral" and are exciting.
Hear me tell you about… by the way!
Have you heard of the King's cook Greta?
And do you know what happened to the Rich and the Poor?
I will tell you that!
Another story is about the Tailor in Heaven who was a funny character! Where do you think he ended up?
And the Icelandic ghost story "Snuffbox", it is both subtle and a little terrifying.
These stories and more are included in my performance:
"They made their FATE"
We will agree on the length of the performance and whether or not there will be a break upon contact.
Target group: Adults

During his travels around the world, Jerker Fahlström has collected a large number of stories. He wants to share them with you!
"Fara å Färde, Danger on the move, from the Orient to the Arctic Ocean". Is an incredible but true journey from his hometown of Gothenburg to the Middle East, China, Greenland, Iceland. Some are self-experienced stories and others are stories collected from the place he visited.
The stories are interspersed with humor and seriousness: e.g. about his time as a UN soldier when he visited the Sheikh in Rabbah, when he directed at the National Theater in Nuuk, Greenland and pulsating home in the high chalk-white snow in a late night and met the shaman under the stars… Maybe also when he as a Viking got to experience when his friend Navajo Indian Gary stopped the rain in the Faroe Islands.
You will hear about the hermit Omar in The Heavenly Retribution, the Greenlandic tale of the Mother of the Sea and other fantastic stories.
Target group: Adults
In the storytellingtheatreperformance "The Evil One" you are taken on an exciting and terrible journey in our history.
The stories are interspersed with seriousness and humor:
See when Lucifer speaks with God about how he, God's most beloved Angel, was banished from Heaven.
Listen to the story of Captain Elin and other witches.
The show ends with funny and tricky folk tales when The Evil Lucifer is pulled by the nose, as in "The Evil One and his grandmother" and "The boy who got a hike with Satan"
Target group: Adults
About Gods, Heroes & little people

There are stories who has the power to live thousands of years.
With his performance Jerker invites you to a glittering world of the Viking Age gods and heroes. Tales where he with his brilliant ingenuity weaves the tale with facts about the clothes, weapons and how they lived .
It is a performance that has been played around the world . Jerker has been in Texas , St. Petersburg , Iceland, England, Scotland , Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Orkneys .
" Dramatic og not least the current time " - Lofots Posten" A force of nature" - Tom Muir , organizer "His wild storytelling got the audience engaged and listening attentively . Jerker is an experienced storyteller and do not mention the fairytales in his presence ! - Everything I tell you is true, he thunders . " - Trollhättans Tidning " There are friendly vikings . One of them named Jerker Fahlström. With great empathy he tells you how sea became salt. " - VG, Verdens Gang
Teater Teatro

All of us, everyone, regardless of origin we want to experience
joy , sadness and surprise, when we go to the theater . The feeling is global.
Four freelance artists who longed to have colleagues and meetings at the stage, created Teater Teatro 2003.
Theater Teatro has grown and summer of 2014 was the largest venture : " Summer theater at Bohus fortress" with Shakespears Romeo and Juliet.
Theater Teatro is constantly working with joy and professionalism to implement their ideas and projects with the story and the fantasy is in focus as much now as in 2003.
Theater Teatro cooperates with Variety Vagant . www.vagant.nu See more on www.teaterteatro.se